Saturday, October 1, 2011

A year after...

I have been staying in penang about a year, life is always not what I imagined and expected, I thought I will love the plain life, but it seems not true...what am i looking for? no matter wherever i am, life will be still the same, working on the weekdays, and having break on the weekend... but this kind of life sounds too boring to me... i start dislike weekend, i have nothing to do, and it is boring! I don't want to be moody, but sometimes it is just unavoidable. Recently the second thought always come to my mind, how do i feel if i m staying in kl, would I still feel boring? or that would be another kind of life...this morning i woke up and sitting on sofa, eyes on tv, and i was missing the life i am home, where most of the time i was busy talking to my parents or siblings, we had a great chat till we didn't want to change and go for breakfast, but now i dun have anybody to talk to, i just feel i m getting silent more often now, i feel lonely... now i m living in a lifestyle tat i m not looking for, working on something that not in my career plan, what else can make me to stay longer in penang...
probably today i m just moody...


Unknown said...

it's time to start a family of your own. =P

AprilMoon said...

still not ready yet... :(

Elain said...

where is KF wor? why sounds so lonely? you can call us for meet up :D
wish u happy always
